Setting up my Blog

Now it was time to set up my WordPress website/blog. I signed up for a blog through, following the instructions from the 336 course website. It was pretty straightforward and I think the longest time sink was waiting for the confirmation email. That being said, I read all the steps once before even starting and I think that helped avoid any major mistakes in the signup process. Once I was able to get into the admin side of my new blog I went to the clone zone on and got the UVic EDCI 336 template. At this point the blog was populated with a bunch of content and it was time to start customizing it. I decided that before I made any changes I would be sure that I had the first few posts ready and have a few photos ready to be in a place where I could replace the pre populated content as I changed the look. So with that done now, I am finally getting to adding my first few blogs and photos! 

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