EdTech Inquiry

Work in progress no longer!

For my group EdTech inquiry I worked together with Amy to search out apps that a teacher can use to connect with families and aid in a student’s learning outcomes. After looking through our options there were two apps that caught our attention so we decided to focus on Seesaw and Class Dojo. 


We picked these two because there were some differences in the approach that each takes but both allow communication between teachers and parents with privacy from the student.

I really liked the way that you could share what is happening in class with families and send confidential comments on students behaviour, class work, and progress.


But for now, I’ll let myself and Amy do the talking in this video of our presentation to our learning pod.

I think the biggest take away from this inquiry is that there are so many options for teachers that you need to first understand your use case for the app. Seesaw and Class Dojo are great resources for apps that a teacher can use to connect with families and aid in a student’s learning outcomes. They also have other functions to help teachers with class management, digital portfolios, and different modalities of information delivery.


Lastly, here are the slides from our presentation.

Thanks for checking out our inquiry and I hope you found some useful information for your future, or current, teaching career!!

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