6th PE Blog Post

The calluses on my hands are getting better!

I think my hands have started getting used to rowing because my calluses have gotten much better.


I have been doing 20 minute sessions on the rowing machine this week, this was the first one I tired following along with 



I didn’t like it very much because it didn’t give me much to work towards.

This next video was a bit nicer to follow along with. I normally take a short break every ten minutes but for this week I have been rowing straight for the 20 minutes so the intervals have been a useful way for me to stay on the machine while having some lower intensity movements. 



Next I tried a 20 minute workout with a stroke rate (SR) ladder. How it works is that you start for one minute at 16 SR, next minute is 17 SR, next minute is 18 SR, and minute ten goes up to SR 25 and stays there for 2 minutes. Minute twelve we start going back down in SR to 24, then the next minute is 23, and so on back to 16 SR. Here is a link to that video


I actually liked this workout so much that I think I’ll do it again today to finish off my four 20 minute workouts this week. It was oddly calming in its own way, and I think it will be a nice way to finish off this crazy week. Also with the shorter 20 minute workout I’ll have a bit more time to walk my dog in the sunshine today.


Until next time!

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