Carla's EDCI 336 Blog

A UVic Student's Experience

Digging Deeper and Deeper

I have been playing this game for a while now and I think I am starting to see how people sit and play for hours and hours and not even notice the time pass. Since I have many assignments, classes, work, and general life going on most of my time is scheduled and that includes Read more about Digging Deeper and Deeper[…]

Sixth Week Class Reflection

Part of our to-do list for class this week was to watch some videos taken at the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII). I was really interested in hearing about a school in Victoria that focused on inquiry based learning and teaching critical thinking. Hearing Jeff Hopkins talk about the way that students interact Read more about Sixth Week Class Reflection[…]

Fifth week reflection and Minecraft update

Fifth week reflection and Minecraft update   There was no class in week five because of the long weekend so I took this time to start exploring some streaming software. I have been involved with the charity Extra Life for the past few years by helping my partner set up their in the person event. Read more about Fifth week reflection and Minecraft update[…]